The general objective:  Provide advisory services to the University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs and the services provided by the Vice Presidency.


  • Preparing plans for the office's activities and following up on their implementation after approval.
  • Facilitate the task of consultants in obtaining data and information from special units.
  • Receiving reports prepared by the advisors, printing, organizing, and producing them to present them to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Follow up on the advisors’ contracts and notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs of any developments regarding them.
  • Coordinating visits and preparing reservations for consultants in coordination with the relevant units
  • Presenting the results of evaluating the performance of the advisors each period and submitting the performance report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Disbursement of consultants' bonuses and follow-up on all financial matters with the Finance Department
  • Determining the office’s human resources, equipment, and materials needs and following up on their provision.
  • Determining the training needs of the office staff to nominate them for the appropriate training programs
  • Preparing periodic reports on the office's activities and achievements and developing the performance.
  • Any other responsibilities assigned to the office within its competence.


  • Unit Manager: Prof. Amro Hassan